Managing Anger During Cancer “The Dish Cloth Exercise”

The Power of Positive Psychology

in Managing Anger During Cancer

Acknowledging you are angry can be beneficial to your health. Anger is a normal, appropriate response to a cancer diagnosis. "We want to acknowledge it, not suppress it, because stifling anger can have a negative impact on our health. From research in integrative oncology, we know that suppressing emotions compromises the immune system."

When faced with a cancer diagnosis anger often arises from a sense of injustice or frustration. Managing anger is crucial for maintaining emotional well-being throughout the cancer journey. In recent years, positive psychology has emerged as a valuable tool in assisting individuals in coping with challenging emotions. Positive psychology focuses on fostering resilience and cultivating positive emotions, even in the face of adversity. It is essential to acknowledge that anger is a normal response to a cancer diagnosis. Like any emotion, it conveys a message, indicating that a situation is upsetting, unjust, or threatening. Journaling can be a helpful way to cope with anger and other emotions that may arise after cancer. The anger needs to get out for your good health.

Unleashing Your Emotions

A Guide To The Dish Cloth Exercise

The dishcloth exercise is a remarkable technique that empowers you to effectively manage anger and release pent-up emotions during your cancer journey. By acknowledging and expressing your feelings, you can find relief and regain control over your emotional well-being. I would like to guide you through the step-by-step instructions to experience the liberating effects of the dish cloth exercise.

First, find a tranquil and cozy space where you can be alone with your thoughts and emotions. This could be a peaceful corner in your home or any serene environment that encourages relaxation. Take a moment to center yourself by taking deep breaths and bringing awareness to the present moment. Connect fully with your body, mind, and emotions.

Now, hold a clean dishcloth, which symbolizes the emotions you're ready to release. As you gently squeeze the dish cloth, visualize releasing negative emotions with each squeeze. Gradually increase the pressure, feeling the weight of the emotions being lifted away.

Repeat this process until you sense the release of anger is complete. Embrace the gratitude for this powerful exercise that allows you to navigate your cancer journey with optimism and expertise in managing your emotional well-being.


Embracing Authenticity Self-Acceptance


Blessings, Gratitude, and Angelic Support"