How I Stay Cancer-free

Experiencing cancer was like a wild rollercoaster ride of attempting to restore my health, which continued for four and a half years. As much as I could, I refrained from referring to remission and rather used the term cured.

In 2010, the cancer had advanced to the point where it had spread to my lungs, sternum, ribs, and clavicle, and I could not finish the radiation due to staph infections. Because of the risks of chemotherapy, it was not a feasible option for me. UCLA predicted I would only live for a few months on September 9, 2010.

Though I faced challenges, I never stopped trying. My tale is detailed on my website; if you look for it, you will find more helpful advice in my blogs posted monthly. They are full of uplifting messages, information, and understanding.

The advanced alternative cancer treatment I did at CMN Hospital saved my life in 2011, and I have been cancer free ever since and hope that my website provides support.

There is hope!

  • Spiritual

    After having gone through stage 4 cancer and being healed in 2011, I had a responsibility to myself to look after my overall well-being - physical, mental, and spiritual. My eating habits were already pretty good, but I had a lot of trauma to come to terms with. This required dedication and effort. I created a stronger connection with the Lord.

    I had self-compassion, was conscious of my feelings, and altered my point of view on many matters.

    I keep a journal devoted to expressing my appreciation, as well as one where I record my daily activities and reflections. I am conscious of the value of self-awareness and have become very mindful of my daily actions.

    Self-introspection means analyzing how "I allow people to make me feel."

    I absorb only what I believe to be true. Our God-given power is essential. Spending more time with God allowed me to see and accept my true identity from my creator.

    I began by changing my home environment. I looked at my decor and contemplated the message my art decor in my home said to me. I took down anything that was not inspiring and strategically placed inspirational messages on my walls in every room, such as We are our environment. What we feed our mind affects us spiritually, mentally and physically.

    Some art signs in my home

    She Designed a Life she Loves

    Grateful Heart

    She Decided to Be Oh, So Very Happy!


    Cell Food Drops (nutrients, read the label)

    Wobenzym"N" AM & PM (anti-cancer)


    Liposomal Curcumin 2000 mg (anti-cancer)

    Liposomal Vitamin C 3000 mg (anti-cancer)

    Vitamin D3 (anti-cancer)

    K2 (anti-cancer)

    Methylated B vitamins

    Melatonin 3-6 mg (Anti-cancer)

    CBD oil Bedtime 8 pm

    Essante Organic Reds & Greens Everyone gets 30% off by becoming a member, but they will ask you for a member ID, so here is mine 35621326)

    Pre and Pro Biotics

    Flaxseed oil

    NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) (anti-tumor)

    BioTe Hormone replacement/labs every four months (Started in 2017) Bioidentical hormone replacement

    Armour Thyroid for radiation thyroid damage

    Ionized and Alkaline Water


    Intermittent Fasting I do not eat three meals a day with snacks- I never have. I have been an intermittent faster most of my life before it ever became a special way of eating. I have always been that way. And eat within an 8-hour window. Lasagne, meatloaf, tacos, potato soup, ice cream, homemade dessert occasionally, and a glass of champagne have not been removed from my life—everything in moderation.

    My husband and I love to swim! We swim four days a week, an hour each day. Swimming works great for moving my lymphatic fluid since I had lymph nodes removed.

    I am not a type- keto, vegetarian, juicer, vegan, etc. and do not fall into any diet category. I do NOT juice, and I love my food and cooking.

    Diet change can benefit some for various reasons, including reducing inflammation. Figure out what is best for you and make sure mealtime is enjoyable. If someone is overweight, diet and exercise can tremendously help with inflammation.

    “Generally,” my diet:

    I avoid gluten

    Eat non-GMO


    Stevia instead of sugar, but I do indulge in a treat occasionally

    I drink 64 oz of water

    I drink 1 cup of coffee in the morning and half my daily water intake by noon.

    I have morning, afternoon, and evening supplements. If I skip a day or two of supplements, I don’t have anxiety about it.

    I do not take more than the daily recommended dosage and sometimes cut the vitamin dosage in half.

    Note: If you are on a strict diet by CHOICE, have been without any improvement in a cancer diagnosis for years, have lost enjoyment for food, and fear straying even once from your regimen to try any old favorite food, please research an eating disorder; called Orthorexia."

    People ask what supplements I take, so I am sharing, but keep this in mind. that I NEVER recommend, and I do not sell anything listed here. What is good for one person may NOT be suitable for another.

    I share with others what I do:

  • Creating healthy boundaries is empowering. Recognizing the need to set and enforce limits protects your self-esteem, maintains self-respect, and enjoys healthy relationships. Unhealthy boundaries cause emotional pain, leading to dependency, depression, anxiety, and stress-induced physical illness.

    I have a nighttime routine to relax me a couple of hours before bed. TV IS OFF except for SLEEPTUBE

    My husband and I have already gone swimming; we play cards and listen to 432 Hz music to relieve anxiety. Be intentional. Pray, read positive content, and thank God in your journal for every blessing today.


    We cry when we need to-it is necessary. Cancer can cause anticipatory grief. Going through the expression of grief is essential, and returning to joy is vital. Read my blog, “The Link Between a Broken Heart and Cancer” According to many medical studies, including the American Heart Association Journal, it is a temporary heart condition often brought on by stressful situations and extreme emotions. A severe physical illness or surgery can also trigger the condition.

    I had multiple traumas before cancer, and getting cancer was traumatic. I finally learned how to cope and get through the P.T.S.D. Triggers. It was critical for my well-being. I choose to have a happy day each day and not let another person rob me of my joy. I learned the hard way, and after much research, I firmly believe a major contributing factor to causing cancer is unresolved past traumas. That resonated with me enormously, and I knew if I wanted a chance to remain cancer-free, I had to make peace with my life.

  • Fear and courage walked hand in hand with me on my entire journey, and I worked at it constantly and resisted the fear as much as possible. I still do! I read this long ago, and I believe it is true. The acronym for F.E.A.R. is simply False Evidence Appearing Real. We are afraid of the unknown. I care about my "complete well-being" and cannot afford to allow resentments from anything in my past to consume me. Sometimes it is not what we eat that causes disease but what eats at us mentally and emotionally. It's okay if traumatic events come up, but I know what to do with it now- how to process it. One thing that's quick to snap me out of a fearful funk is I will put on my Spotify playlist of songs that make me feel like dancing and remind me of the best times in my life.


    I paint often, love to write, and read scripture and uplifting devotionals daily. I no longer entertain people who do not have regard for my well-being. I love swimming and laughing. I hope this post helps. I wish happiness, excellent health, and the best blessings to all of you.

    ~Shannon Knight


    Feeding Faith

    Fasting Fear

    Daily Gratitude Research Studies prove how gratitude impacts our health! My Book Grateful Heart I do not eat my first meal until around noon, I drink half my daily water intake by noon, and I have a daily cup of coffee with stevia and half and half. Yum!

    I believe in faith and having a positive outlook on life which only came once; I realized life was more than just staying healthy physically. I learned the importance of being aware of my soul because it is the essence of who we are, and BEING HAPPY is very important too.

    It is so easy to get headed down a path where I could be in constant fear of cancer returning. We must work hard to maintain happiness and learn to laugh and smile. We sometimes have to push ourselves in the direction that brings joy for our benefit.

  • Here is the controversial tricky part of having a good mindset—the "fight" in me. I also had to have the will to beat cancer and not delay. I felt under attack, and, in my mind, I refused to be defeated. I took a chance even when others did not support my choice.

    The courageous forward steps across that Mexican border to a doctor I had never met were the right decision for me. Dr. Payan saved my life. It was far less frightening than not trying. My intuition led me, and I followed it. It is okay to be in fight mode sometimes, and I was not quitting!

  • Thank You, CMN Hospital for saving my life after UCLA gave up on me!

    CMN Hospital Website

    Certainly, some people think that my recovery from stage 4 breast cancer is unique and rare and that I am somehow lucky. 

    That's not the case.  To heal from cancer, we must include an evaluation of our lifestyle from all angles; Emotionally, physically, spiritually, and psychologically. I have shared everything I do on this blog- read through the tabs.

    I have been cancer-free since 2011. but how have I been maintaining good health since the cancer?

    There will be more to it than just diet and supplements.  I was also a victim of sexual assault and underwent a lot of physical and psychological injuries when I was a victim of stalking and domestic violence; all of this impacts our overall health. The body remembers what the mind pushes away.

    The feeling of anxiety is familiar to me, and I empathize with people who are afraid and have unresolved trauma from their past.

    Fear can be a gift if it gets us to make changes for the better, or it can take us down. I had to learn the importance of faith and self-compassion.

  • On July 19, 2006, Diagnosed

    July 19, 2006, UW Medical Center, Seattle, WA, Diagnosed me with stage III breast cancer with lymph node involvement under my left arm.

    IDC (Invasive Inductal Carcinoma)

    Diagnosis Details

    Estrogen Positive 95%,

    Progesterone positive 95%

    HER2 Negative

    Negative for BRCA Gene mutation.

    June, I found a suspicious lump on my left breast, prompting me to get a mammogram; I was referred for an ultrasound, a biopsy, and a lumpectomy with lymph node removal left arm. In October 2006, I underwent a bilateral mastectomy with more lymph node removal.

  • May 2008, Cancer-Free (Or so I thought)

    UW Medical Center in Seattle, WA deemed me cancer-free based on my labs.

    Throughout my cancer journey, my bloodwork showed no elevated tumor markers. Symptoms, biopsies, and radiology always obtain the diagnosis (CT, MRI, PET CT, and Bone Scan)

    Labwork for me, I could never trust to tell the story of what was happening with my body. I have become acutely aware of what my body feels, and I get symptoms checked out.

    How Accurate are Tumor Markers

    The University of WA deemed me cancer-free; based on my lab work, I later learned that my tumor markers gave a false negative and did not diagnose accurately.

    I later learned I could only rely on physical symptoms, imaging, and biopsies.

  • October 2009 New Symptoms

    I started having chronic chest pain and coughing that were dismissed because my labs were normal. I endured this for nine months, and it only got worse.

    I was diagnosed with asthma and costochondritis, which are symptoms of metastasis in the lungs and bones. (Never ignore painful, persistent symptoms even if your labs look good)

    June 2010 Stage 4 Recurrence

    The increasing pain and swelling in my sternum and persistent cough became unbearable. I was referred to a UCLA hematologist/oncologist, Dr. Martin Palmer. He referred me to a cardiothoracic surgeon to explore the developing lump on my sternum. After a mediastinoscopy and three lung biopsies, it was confirmed that I had a stage 4 recurrence with metastasis to all lobes of my lungs, lymph nodes, sternum, ribs, and clavicle. I was afraid.

    I had radiation that wrecked my thyroid.  I could only complete 22 of the planned 40 radiation treatments due to complications from a staph infection, shingles, and pneumonia; cancer only progressed! Nothing else could be done, according to UCLA.

  • July 2010 Radiation Failed, Why?

    In the last week of July, I began radiation. Knowing what I know now, I am grateful to be alive. Instead of alleviating my pain, it caused more pain, infection, and disease progression. I had bone metastasis to my sternum, and the oncologist wanted to help me with the pain since fentanyl was too hard to handle. Instead, my disease only progressed- why?

    For people with metastatic tumors growing in the spine's bones, “the pain can be insurmountable,” even with high doses of pain medication (Like I had), Dr. Sahgal said. Doctors may try radiation therapy to shrink these tumors and reduce the pain they cause. But conventional radiation therapy doesn’t effectively control pain in most people with spinal metastases, explained Dr. Sahgal. Read More Here This is because the radiation dose must be kept relatively low to avoid damaging the spinal cord, which can sit just millimeters away from a tumor.

    Why does radiation not work for spinal metastasis?

    Dr. Paul Miller did Cyberknife, which I could not complete.

    He recommended 40 treatments, and I could only complete 22 due to a staph infection and pneumonia in my lungs. I have permanent burn damage to my thyroid and will be on medication for the rest of my life.

    I had no idea what I was in store for

    Radiation images here show how much damage was done inside and out from the radiation. My cough worsened, and there were burns on the front and back of my chest.

    If you are sensitive or triggered by graphic images, do not view the link showing images of my burns. They are posted for one reason-to create awareness!

    Shannon’s Radiation Burns

  • Healing from cancer without chemotherapy in my family is A BIG DEAL.

    Especially since I was given three to twelve months to live at U.C.L.A. (September 2010), I lost loved ones to cancer, including my dad, in 2019. My twin sis and I were the only ones out of twenty-seven family members with cancer who went the alternative/integrative route. Because of my family history of cancer and the various approaches to healing their bodies, I have the most profound respect for everyone’s choices.

    By sharing my choices of cancer treatment at CMN hospital at stage 4 for alternative cancer treatment and by sharing what I do today after being cancer free for over 11 years, I am not making any recommendation, nor am I attempting to sway or discourage anyone from a path they are on to healing. You must trust your intuition and make decisions that feel right for you. We must make these tough choices to survive cancer, which is very personal. This is a testimony of what I have done and what I still do to stay healthy. I am not a doctor and cannot advise. I am sharing with my readers because when people ask, I can share my blog and save time. You will have so to research yourselves.

  • ***Disclaimer

    Everyone tells their personal story differently, using different words according to their belief, customs, culture, and experience. I always share according to mine and mean no offense to anyone else's philosophy, beliefs, culture, or customs.

    I do not recommend diet, cancer treatment, or any supplements. I recommend everyone trust their intuition and do their research, get their labs and testing, and keep an MD and an ND in their life that they trust!


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I Love Us More Every Day.