Celebrating Our Wedding Anniversary!

Today marks the third anniversary of our marriage, a day filled with cherished memories. Our wedding video, brimming with emotion, captivates us from start to finish, thanks to a heartwarming surprise toast from my beloved husband.

On December 3, 2019, we made a lifelong commitment as husband and wife, forging a bond that transcends time. I am blessed to have my cousin Chaps DiConti, my dad's nephew, who feels more like a brother, share in our joyous occasion. Your presence, along with the blessings of my dad and our children, made our union all the more meaningful. Your guidance during our premarital counseling was an honor, knowing that you and Jan embody a remarkable example of a successful marriage. Moreover, your unwavering commitment to the Marine Corps lends great authority to the importance of enduring through both joyous and challenging times.

The trust my husband places in me is a priceless gift, one that forms the bedrock of our commitment. Without trust, the foundation of our relationship would crumble. For those interested, our wedding video as you reach the midway point of the video, just after the heartfelt "Me and You" song concludes, a precious gift from my late father unfolds. It was his thoughtful gesture, planned with my husband, to deliver a touching wedding toast. Even six months after his passing from cancer his love reeached us!


Anticipatory Grief


How I Stay Cancer-free