God Whispers in the Night

Shannon Knight

Cancer can cause an emotional, mental and spiritual roller coaster ride!

Are you suffering from panic anxiety or depression due to a cancer diagnosis? When you get diagnosed with something that can kill, it’s traumatic! You are forced to battle something inside your body that does not want you to thrive and could take your life. That’s the reality of it. We can’t ignore it. We must face it every single day. If you’re someone who went through cancer and healed, I’d be surprised to hear that you’ve never feared cancer returning.

For instance, I went through a VERY bad flu and thought for sure cancer had returned- as usual, I was wrong, thank God. The point is that even though I’ve been cancer-free since 2011, I never forgot when my doctor from UCLA said I would die within months. Those were the most frightening words ever spoken to me by my doctor.

The fear of cancer returning, especially if you’ve had it a time or two, as I did in 2006 and 2010. It is natural to have fear, so I make sure that I have spiritual tools, devotionals, books, and regular prayer time with God to keep my mind filled with the goodness of the Lord. Having a close relationship with Him is vital.

I bought this book in 1994. “God Whispers in the Night” is by far the one book I grab if I am dealing with extreme grief, depression, anxiety and whatever else tricks you into feeling isolated and alone-abandoned by God at any given time. The book is called I Included a very good chapter. It’s only three pages and worth the read.

We are human, and it can happen!


People Come Into Our Life For A Reason

